Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Are any of you participating in the Woogiworld Internet Safety program.  If so, I would love to talk about how it is going for you. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google Blogger Frustrations

SO, after two days of struggling with Google Blogging tool I have learned that when you create a blog through your Google account a Google Reader Account is automatically created for you. Google now has your original Google Account, your new blog and the Google reader account all of which are supposed to communicate with each other seamlessly. This seamless communication is apparently not the norm. I have had to delete my Reader account, go to my Google Account and unsubscribe to all our our blogs there. I added follow gadget to my blog and am adding your blogs there so they will show on my blog and not working with the Google Dasboard tool at all. It is still not working 100% smoothly but much better. If you have a Google Acct. do not subscribe to the blogs here using the Google Friend option. That is what created all of my overlap

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thing 1: Blogging

I think I managed to get through all the steps in setting up this blog.  While I have participated in a few blogs I have never actually created one of my own.  I am looking forward to this class very much.  I love to learn new things especially if they involve technology.

Looking forward to connection with all of you using this new tool.


Hello and welcome to the Minerva Central School's Cool Tools for Schools Blog.  I hope that you find something useful here to take with you and use at your school.  I also hope that you leave me something useful to use at my school.  Please take a moment to browse the blog.